WHIFFLETIT: A furred fish fitted with a focal fin for fanning, facing forth of its food funnel. It forgoes any further flippers. The fish is found in streams swimming south-north to shut its seers from sunlight. This square-shaped such-and-such has substandard sight, and the sun is shielded by its shoulder, likely to its left. It likes to live in little lakes that lunge into the larger lochs. The rectangular runt runs in reverse to rid rainwater from its retinas. It is customarily caught with a carpenter's cube, a cord, and cheese, with correspondingly cut corners, the best brand being Brie. To bag the boxy beast, a boat, with bulbous bottom, is brought to the bull's-eye of a basin. The boxlike brushwood is sunk and salvaged swiftly into the shallows. This severs a squarish scoop into the sea synchronized with the scamp's square-shape. The sneak is seduced with its selected snack set on the sides of the square. Subsequently, the scalawag sneaks samples, swelling in size. The square, soon symmetrically smaller, snags it. It is afterward apprehended, as it abhors ascending by advancing, and any astern action is aimless to admit its added ampleness. Ⓒ
HAIRY TIMBER RATTLERS: A bushy, bristle-bodied and biting brute. Ⓡ
HORSE-HAIR SNAKE: If there happens to be a hardy husk of horse hair hacked, hewed or hurled into a heavily humid habitat than hasty happenings will happen. After the apportionment, this allotment alters into animate, alive and alert animal. Well, if it weren’t for the wetness of the water this wiry worm or winding whatnot would waste and wither without a wag, writhe or wriggle. Ⓦ
HELLIDID: A zebroid with the zoological zest and zing of a zinnia. The oddity is outfitted with Ostrich-like, oblong obtrusions for oncoming and optimum oscillation. The appearance of its apex is that of an anteater adding to its altogether amalgamous anatomy. These vegetarian vagabonds will vigorously vanish the velvety veneer, the visible veins, veiling the yuca. A yoke of youthful yearlings with a yap, yip, yell, yelp, yowl and yodel yet yearn for the yearly yields. Correspondingly, the critter crunches on cacti or chewy chaparral constantly craving the coarse cord-like covering than contents. But, the bashful beast bares the brunt of its being by biting at that what bares a basic bond with its biological bread and butter, basically that bearing braiding, barring not beards, bushes, or bristles.
OWL-EYED RIPPLE SKIPPER: An astringent, arched, and appendageless aquatic animal atypical in appearance toting tiny tusks. The trunk of the timid tot is trimmed in scales surrounding a splay surface and slender shape. Ⓦ
PAMOOLA: A frightening felid, fourteen feet from front on following, fostering four fangs, a full foot in ferocity. This foul fellow feasts on the fairest female folk, and its fortitude is as firm as its fearsomeness. The force of a flintlock fails in the face of its formidability. The frightful fiend's faults are few. The first and foremost factor, in finalizing its fate—a flash flickering from the furthest folds of the firmament. For the fulmination of a firebolt is a forgone finish to its flagitious fury.
RATTLERRABBIT: A regular rabbit with a rudder resembling a rattlesnake’s rump. Ⓦ x

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